Understanding Depression: Living with Depression Class

What would you say if someone asked you to define depression? An overwhelming sadness? The inability to feel motivated to do tasks you once enjoyed? When you feel no hope or joy for the future?

While you may experience these symptoms, it doesn’t help us understand what depression is. Depression comes in all different shapes and sizes. What you may experience, another may not. Christine, one of the facilitators of the Living with Depression class, sees this often in the group setting. “People are in different places in their journey with different experiences, but they all want to feel better,” says Christine.

In the 2.5-hour class, you will dive deeply into the biology of the brain and how happy hormones work. Learning about your brain can normalize feelings and depression symptoms. “People learn that it’s not about what’s wrong with them. Rather, it is something that happened to them or is going on biologically out of their control.” Christine has found that many people do not understand the impact of trauma on the brain. “Learning helps them understand that these things aren’t their fault. Once they understand that, they can make better choices on supporting themselves to be healthier.”

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You will explore hands-on tools to help reduce the impact of those depressive feelings in day-to-day life. People looking to understand and support friends and family members who are struggling also attend the class. Christine notices that this diverse dynamic compliments the class. It helps with providing information and various tools and strategies.

Christine believes that in a time where mental health is prevalent, the class helps people to normalize experiences of depression. They can feel hope and begin to move forward. “I just love seeing people taking steps towards their wellness journey, and I love being a part of it.”

Learn more about the Living with Depression class here.